Comparing GPS Modules: Active vs Passive

March 15, 2022


GPS (Global Positioning System) is widely used in various applications, such as navigation, fleet management, and geolocation-enabled mobile apps. GPS modules play a significant role in these applications. Two types of GPS modules are commonly used: active and passive. In this blog post, we will compare these two types of GPS modules, looking at their features and performance.

Active GPS Modules

Active GPS modules are also known as GPS receiver modules, and they are widely used due to their high sensitivity and accuracy. These modules work by continuously searching for satellite signals to determine their position. They are capable of tracking satellites in parallel and can provide accurate location data within a few seconds.

The main advantage of active GPS modules is that they can operate in challenging environments, such as in buildings or under dense foliage. However, these modules require a power source to operate, making them unsuitable for battery-powered applications.

Passive GPS Modules

Passive GPS modules are also known as data loggers, and they operate differently from active GPS modules. They do not actively search for satellite signals, but instead, they record the signals when they are available. Once the data is collected, it can be downloaded and analyzed on a computer or mobile device.

The main advantage of passive GPS modules is that they do not require a power source to operate, making them suitable for battery-powered applications. However, they are not suitable for real-time tracking and cannot operate in challenging environments.

Comparison Table

Here's a comparison table that summarizes the differences between active and passive GPS modules:

Feature Active GPS Modules Passive GPS Modules
Power source Require a power source Do not require a power source
Real-time tracking Yes No
Accuracy High Moderate
Sensitivity High Low
Challenging environments Capable Not suitable


In conclusion, the type of GPS module that you choose will depend on your specific application requirements. For real-time tracking and accuracy, active GPS modules are the better option. However, if your application is battery-powered and does not require real-time tracking, then a passive GPS module may be a more suitable choice.

We hope that this comparison between active and passive GPS modules has been helpful in understanding the differences between these two types of modules.


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